The Breadth of Nalco Water Industrial Water Solutions

Nalco Water solutions improve water resiliency while maximizing outcomes at an optimized total cost. Notre réseau de plus de 30 000 systèmes connectés pour les performances en matière d'eau apporte plus de 90 milliards de points de données par an, nous permettant de proposer à nos clients des informations, des actions et de la valeur pour l'ensemble de leurs opérations.

As an Ecolab company, we advance water stewardship within our own business, and we work to make the world cleaner, healthier and safer by providing and protecting what’s vital.

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Secteurs d'activité

Nalco Water supports water and
process solutions in 40+ industries.

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Customer Sites

We have a presence at more than
100,000 customer sites.

Water Drip Icon

30,000+ Connected Water Systems

We have a network of over 30,000 connected
water performance systems.

Un éveil à l'eau

Over the past century, urbanization, population growth, changing diets and energy production demand have put increasing stress on the world’s water supply.

It's up to all of us to address water scarcity head-on. At Nalco Water, we are guided by our mission to protect our vital resources - clean water, safe food, abundant energy and healthy environments.

Stream in Forest

Augmenter la rentabilité grâce à une gestion de l'eau intelligente

Businesses can thrive when water conservation is done well. Nalco Water develops end-to-end water conservation solutions that help customers advance efficient operations and drive business growth.

We also help build the resilience of watersheds so they can withstand increasingly unpredictable pressures and be a source for safe, high-quality water. In the end, smart water management supports people, planet and business health.

Sun on Horizon of Earth

Nalco Water est synonyme d'innovation

At Nalco Water, smart water management is our passion. Every operation is unique, so Nalco Water professionals approach each customer's business goals and water needs individually and then explore ways to make their industrial water systems perform more efficiently.


Faire progresser les technologies de l'eau

3D TRASAR™ technology has revolutionized industrial water management. It's a patented technology that provides customers with real-time access to their water system data. Combining chemistry, remote services, monitoring and automated control, 3D TRASAR technology helps customers minimize water use, maximize performance and optimize operating costs.


Surmonter les défis liés à l'eau et aux procédés

Our water expertise is unrivaled. Our experts partner closely with customers to investigate challenges and provide best-in-class solutions. Nous travaillons avec des secteurs divers et variés : bâtiments commerciaux, transformation des produits alimentaires, industrie automobile, production d'électricité, produits chimiques et métaux de première fusion, ou encore les industries de traitement comme la papeterie ou l'exploitation minière. At the end of the day, our industrial water solutions help customers achieve an exponential return on investment.

River running through trees

Rapport sur la croissance et l'impact

Progresser ensemble, plus rapidement

Chez Ecolab, nous travaillons avec nos clients et partenaires fournisseurs pour construire un avenir positif. Ensemble, nous créons un impact positif durable tout en stimulant la croissance de l'entreprise.