Mining Landscape

Mine de cuivre, nickel et zinc

Delivering Mineral Processing Solutions for Polymetallic Sulfides

Your copper, nickel or zinc processing operation requires a unique, balanced process to maximize recovery and improve ore grade. Nalco Water creates customized solutions, including (froth) flotation, to help customers maximize productivity and profitability of copper processing. 

Our team works closely with customers to understand requirements and ultimately help improve overall performance while reducing downtime and operating costs. At Nalco Water, we strive to continuously develop innovative technologies that deliver a broad range of programs for copper, nickel and zinc processing.

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Hitting Your Target

In mineral processing, what you avoid can be as important as what you're trying to achieve. Choosing a partner with effective chemistry-and the expertise to go with it-can help you avoid downtime, audit deductions and water contamination. With proper and holistic processes in place, you can maximize recovery, grade and throughput.

Learn how Nalco Water can help you hit your target.


Driving Value for Copper Flotation and Processing

Today's copper processing operation requires a calculated combination of safety, profitability, efficiency and product quality while helping to sustain the surrounding environmental resources. Votre procédé dépend d'un circuit de flottation soigneusement équilibré où tout est pris en compte, du minerai d'entrée et de la qualité de l'eau jusqu'aux bonnes réactions chimiques au sein même du circuit. Nalco Water offers a wide range of frothers and collectors that allow you to optimize your conditions for optimal copper flotation performance.

By choosing the appropriate partner, you can significantly improve recovery and selectivity in your operations, whether you are recovering copper, molybdenum or both. Outre la flottation, Nalco WATER peut vous aider pour toute autre opération, de la manipulation des matériaux à la gestion des résidus, vous permettant ainsi d'optimiser l'intégralité de votre activité, de la mine à l'usine.

Cover Article for Mineral Flotation and Nalco Water in Mining Magazine

Nalco Water Featured in Mining Magazine

"Floating Ideas – The Latest Trends in Flotation in the Mineral Processing Industry”

Dr. Nik Zwaneveld discusses flotation trends in mineral processing and the reagent offerings from Nalco Water.


Copper Mining Performance Through Solutions

At Nalco Water, we deliver economic and environmental value to our customers. By focusing on the entire copper processing operation, we help increase yield, grade and recovery while conserving energy, water and raw materials. À l'aide de nos solutions de traitement du cuivre, notre approche optimise la productivité et le débit, ce qui a un impact positif sur les profits de nos clients. We use decades of industry experience, innovative technologies, local on-site expertise and a global network of research labs and personnel to deliver the copper processing results you need.



Flotation 360™

Mineral processing optimization can feel like a moving target. Changing ore, an incorrect formulation or failing to balance recovery and grade can impact your bottom line. But Nalco Water has your solution: Flotation 360. This digital technology helps you maximize productivity and optimize your flotation circuit performance.

Optimize your circuit with the predictive capabilities of Flotation 360

  • Improve performance to increase recovery and profitability
  • Enhance visibility of potential impacts of future ore changes, allowing for mitigation of any challenges in advance
  • Optimize reagent dosing and chemical consumption, improving the total cost of operations
  • Reduce maintenance challenges such as float cell valve failures, and spend less time manually troubleshooting

Copper, Nickel and Zinc Mining Success Stories

Copper processing plant machinery

Nalco Water Frother Program Helps Copper Concentrator Increase Recovery and Reduce Total Cost of Operations

Une mine de cuivre d'Amérique du Sud a fait appel à Nalco WATER pour atteindre ses objectifs opérationnels. Les objectifs comprenaient l'amélioration du taux de récupération via le circuit de flottation du cuivre, l'amélioration de la productivité et la réduction des coûts d'exploitation tout en assurant la sécurité de l'environnement de production. By introducing FrothPro 507, a product in our diverse portfolio of frothers, Nalco Water helped the mine save on maintenance and increase recovery by 2,526 tons per year, amounting to $14.98M in value delivered to the customer. Téléchargez l'étude de cas ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.

Mining Water Pipeline

Heavy Metal Removal Program Helps Drive Sustainability and Compliance at Copper Mine for Over 10 Years

La pérennité des relations entre les entreprises et leurs fournisseurs provient souvent de la confiance engendrée par de bons résultats. C'est le cas du lien qui unit Nalco WATER et une grande mine de cuivre en Espagne. L'entreprise minière a demandé à Nalco WATER de l'aider à réduire la quantité de métaux lourds présents dans l'eau de décharge. Grâce à NALMET™, une technologie brevetée d'élimination des métaux lourds, Nalco WATER a pu aider la mine à éviter des amendes et des temps d'arrêt de travail pendant plus de 10 ans. Téléchargez l'étude de cas ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.

Solutions de traitement du cuivre et du molybdène

Learn how our solutions for copper, molybdenum, nickel and zinc can help improve overall performance while reducing downtime and operating costs.

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