Pig, Poultry and Dairy Cow Health

Santé animale

Pig Farms

Solutions include pig drinking water disinfection, transport hygiene and African swine fever risk management.

Santé animale

Poultry Farms

Solutions include poultry barn hygiene, hatchery hygiene and avian influenza risk management.

Soins de santé pour les pis des vaches laitières

Exploitations laitières

Solutions include udder care, hoof care, milking parlor hygiene and mastitis risk management.


Horticulture Supplies

In addition to animal health, Ecolab also offers horticulture solutions that include greenhouse cleaning and disinfection, barn hygiene and water system management.

Le pouvoir de la collaboration

Santé animale

Ecolab and CID LINES Form Global Animal Health Division

In 2020, Ecolab acquired CID LINES, a leading global provider of livestock biosecurity and hygiene solutions.

The division will enable a focus on the livestock biosecurity and dairy farm markets, to serve emerging needs, protect the health of the animals, and provide dairy farmers with a complete offering to keep their cows healthy and the milk supply safe.

With decades of biosecurity experience under its belt, CID LINES has learned that training is as important as chemistry. Applying the right product is crucial, but if it isn't accompanied by the right behaviors, its beneficial effects will be limited at best.

That's why CID LINES' specialized field staffers and trainers are as important as its scientists and engineers. Around the world, they work with businesses to instill best practices in areas that include personal hygiene, facilities, equipment, safe transport of animals and pest control-and put in place protocols for long-term monitoring and compliance. Because CID LINES' experience shows that behavioral change can keep people safe and animals healthy.

Pourquoi Ecolab ?

Commercial Husbandry Farm

Prévention des maladies grâce à la biosécurité

Dans les élevages, les maladies peuvent être très contagieuses, se propager rapidement et être mortelles. Si votre exploitation est exposée à une maladie à haut risque comme la peste porcine africaine, la grippe aviaire ou la mammite, c'est toute votre activité qui peut être en jeu.

Ecolab biosecurity experts specialize in disease prevention. We offer solutions to minimize the risk of pathogen introduction and spread on farms. This not only enhances animal health but also reduces the reliance on antibiotics and fosters increased meat production.

Farmer using a foamer cleaner in a milking parlor

Nettoyage et désinfection

Cleaning and disinfection serve as the cornerstones of biosecurity, establishing a strong and sustainable program that benefits both your livestock and your profitability. However, the key to effective cleaning and disinfection lies not just in doing it, but doing it well.

Ecolab est un leader du secteur en matière de nettoyage et de désinfection. Nous proposons des produits chimiques et des protocoles scientifiques de qualité employés dans le monde entier, qui peuvent aider vos animaux à être en bonne santé et votre exploitation à prospérer.

Santé animale

Gestion des systèmes hydriques

C'est à travers de l'eau potable que les agents pathogènes peuvent se transmettre le plus rapidement sur une ferme. En plus d'affecter les animaux individuellement, les maladies présentes dans l'eau peuvent être facilement transmises à l'ensemble du troupeau, ce qui nuit non seulement à leur santé et à leur immunité, mais aussi à la production de lait ou de viande.

En travaillant avec Ecolab, vous profitez de notre expertise et de notre expérience en matière de l'eau que les animaux de la ferme consomment. Nous sommes ici pour vous aider à optimiser la santé des animaux et la production de la ferme grâce à une gestion et un traitement de l'eau de qualité.

Pig Drinking WaterPoultry Drinking WaterDairy Cow Drinking Water

Meet our Experts

Ecolab experts are renowned in their fields and assets to our company.

Get to know the people behind the innovations: Meet our leaders in food safety, water and hygiene who come together to support our animal health customers.

Food Safety ExpertsPublic Health ane Hand Hygiene ExpertsWater and Climate Experts

Animal Health Resources 

Explore Ecolab animal health resources that help you optimize your farm productivity.

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Global Reach, Regional Expertise

Interested in partnering with Ecolab for animal health solutions? We have experts around the world who know their regions inside and out.

Get in touch today, and let's work together. Ecolab service areas noted in blue on the map:

  • Autriche
  •  Belgique
  • Chine
  • Danemark
  • Égypte
  • France
  • Allemagne
  • Inde
  • Irlande
  • Italie
  • Indonésie
  • Japon
  • Kenya
  • Corée
  • Malaisie
  • Mexique
  • Nouvelle-Zélande
  • Philippines
  • Pologne
  • Portugal
  • South Africa
  • Russie
  • Singapour
  • Espagne
  • Thaïlande
  • Turquie
  • Émirats arabes unis
  • Royaume-Uni
  • États-Unis
  • Vietnam
  • World map with countries with Ecolab in Blue: Australia Austria China Denmark Egypt France Germany India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Kenya Korea Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Philippines Singapore South Africa Thailand Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Vietnam Beijing Belgium France Mexico Poland Portugal Russia Spain
    Commercial Farm

    Nous sommes là pour vous aider

    Disease prevention is an Ecolab specialty.

    Connect with us to learn about biosecurity solutions for:

    Santé animale
    Farm Productivity
    Meat Production

    Demander une consultation en matière d'élevage ou d'agriculture

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